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Developer Guide


  • Windows for the client. This tutorial can be run on any OS but the client has to connect from Windows
  • Docker Desktop or equivalent
  • .NET SDK 8
  • Visual Studio, Jetbrains Rider, or any IDE you are comfortable with
  • A TMP4 compatible client (just google for "TMP4 Client")

Setting up the project

1. Clone the repo

git clone

2. Generate a mob_proto and item_proto

In the client directory there should be a folder called Eternexus with an folder --dump_proto--. Just execute the dump_proto.exe. It should generate you 2 files:

  • item_proto
  • mob_proto

3. Compile the project

dotnet build
# you should see "0 Error(s)"

4. Create the data folder

Create the directory data in ./Executables/Game/bin/Debug/net8.0/

5. Copying settings

Copy the following files into that folder

  • In your clients Eternexus/root folder there should be an atlasinfo.txt
  • item_proto & mob_proto from step 3

6. Setup required services

Use the docker-compose.yml in src/ to boot up all services.

docker compose up -d

This starts:

  • auth server for account authentication
  • db for persistant storage
  • cache for distributed live data

7. Setup client

See Client to setup your client

8. Credentials

By default, the user admin with the password admin is created. For obvious reasons it's recommended to change this once you plan on opening it up for others.


For more infos about account creation refer to Account Creation

9. Start the server

Start the application from source

dotnet run --project Executables/Game

10. Connecting

  1. Start the client
  2. Connect with username admin and password admin
  3. Create a player
  4. Join the server


There are more things that can be setup (for levels) but that's not required to start the server. From here on you can start coding.

Further Reading